Monday, December 7, 2009

Padre Ramblings

padre: what are you doing?
me: I'm going to take a nap...I've been up since 6am
**about 20 minutes later and RIGHT as I'm finally falling asleep**
padre opens the basement door and bellows: MELANIE!!
me: ugh what?
padre: MELANIE!!!
me: WHAT?!
padre: what are you doing?
me: well..I was trying to take a nap...thanks...

Padre: Are you going to be around someday?
me: umm..what?
padre: are you going to be around someday?
me: well...yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be around someday...
padre: ok
me: care to be more specific??
padre: oh, I was going to see when you were home this week so I could call a plumber
me: ok so why not say that right away??

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