Thursday, June 5, 2008

lots of updates!

No internet=no updates :( Luckily, I got off work early today so I'm at Stefs until I have to go to the OTHER work at 530 so I thought I'd update while I have internet access!

...that's right, you heard me right...a SECOND job! I got the job with the family from Lino Lakes that I didn't tell you I interviewed with! I interviewed with them two weeks ago--exactly, actually. I loved them right off the bat--they were so nice...I usually get really nervous in interviews but I wasn't nervous at all--and when I left I realized that I really really wanted this job! But I didn't want to say anything to anyone because I didn't want to jinx myself. So to keep my mind off whether I got the job or not (yeah right!) I worked at Linens N Things all weekend. Luckily, I didn't have to wait TOO long--Christy called on Monday and offered me the position!! So, I started a week later, this past Monday. Finally, 5 months after looking for a job, I find one! Well, I had LNT but a REAL job!

So, let me tell you a little about the family. Their names are Christy and Jeff Furmanek. (Christy and Jeff...sound familiar to anyone? haha) Christy is finishing up med school and she's going to be a neurologist--Jeff is a bone doctor (I can't remember the real name...oops!) The schedule is pretty great too. Monday-Friday, in between 30 and 50 hours a week. I generally start at 7am (although this week, I've already have a 1230 and 9 o'clock start) and usually Mondays and Thursdays, Jeff gets home between 130 and 330. Tuesdays and Wednesdays will typically be a little longer--one of them will get home anywhere between 5 and 730 so it has the potential to be a 12.5 hour day but it's really not that bad. I work a 10.5 hour day on Wednesday and it flew by! And on Fridays, Christy will generally get home a little earlier...not WAY early but earlier. Tomorrow she'll be home around 230-3 so that's nice. I can also keep my hours at LNT which is REALLY nice because having both incomes is going to be nice so I can save for the next few months! I can work Mon/Thurs/Fri nights (someone will always be home by at least 500 so I can get to work on time) and I asked for Tues/Wed nights off since those are the later nights. But the nice thing about that is that even if they get home later, I still have the rest of the night to just hang out instead of work until 930. And it's nice that the nights are broken up--this week, I worked Tues/Wed/Thurs--since it's 4:00 on Thursday, I haven't even started that shift but I'm already wiped from working 3 14+ hour days! Let me tell you, I've been sleeping great the past few nights! haha I also still have weekends at LNT so hopefully I can average in between 20-25 hours per week there too!

The funny thing (to me at least) about this is that I am so NOT a morning person! And at first I thought being up at 6am to get to work by 7am would be rough but it really hasn't been! I realized that, while it's hard WAKING up, once I am up, it's not that hard to stay awake. Plus I've been forcing myself to go to sleep earlier so that I'm getting enough sleep. I know I know...I'm growing up! haha

The other new news is that I moved into padre's place this past weekend! I am actually really enjoying it and think it's going to be great! I'm not sure how long I'll stay (I still have to talk to Gina about when she wants to move out/contact the apartment and see if there's still one available!) but while I'm there, my plans are to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!! Padre is so funny though--he basically turned the basement into a "mini apartment" for me...he doesn't really use the basement for much so he put a bed down there and he got a closet on wheels. Plus he's getting a dresser so I could put my clothes in there. There's also an entertainment center and a couch down it's kind of like I have a living room and a bedroom! I also have a bathroom downstairs too. No shower but that's ok--I didn't even realize there was a bathroom down there! It makes it so nice because I can just brush my teeth and go to the bathroom before bed without worrying about going upstairs and waking dad! So, I'm real excited about staying with him and thus far, it's been a blast! I think dad's getting used to it so that's good!

Ok I think that's all the updating I can do for now! I have to shower before work (ugh..I don't want to go! haha)

One last note: CONGRATS GINA! My soon to be roommate got a job!! She starts on Monday so I'm super excited! Now we can finally start making our apartment goal a reality!! YAY!