Have you ever seriously considered what life looks like through the eyes of a one year old? I spend so much time with Cole that I should never be surprised with how much fun we have...but today was just something completely different. I'm not sure I'll even be able to accurately describe it...words may not do justice to how much I treasured today...Bridget asked Stef if she would mind watching Mady for a few hours while she had a meeting so instead of bringing Cole and having to watch him plus Mady with her cast, Stef asked if I wanted to watch Cole..which, of course, the answer is always yes. So anyways, today Cole and I got basically the whole day together. We went for a walk, we played outside forever...it was simply fantastic and fantastically simple. Maybe that's why today seemed so great to me...there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary going on. It was just a regular day for Cole and luckily for me, I got to experience life through his eyes for 6 hours. How great is that?
Maybe it was finally experiencing the nice weather I'd heard so much about and being able to enjoy it (instead of hearing customers coming into work TELLING me how nice it was)...I mean, I've spent days with Cole before...what makes today so different? Maybe it had to do with the fact that I'm actively pursuing a nanny job...
Today completely reaffirmed my faith that being a nanny is what I want to do. Maybe I won't make "the big bucks". Maybe you don't consider it a real job. But am I going to have fun? Absolutely. Can I live on my own and be a nanny? Definitely. Will I be good at it? Without sounding conceited, I believe I will. The thing is there's always going to be people giving their own opinions. There's always going to be someone that says, "that's not good enough." "That's not a CAREER." "Get a real job." And I finally figured out, I have to do what I want to do...what makes me happy. No more picking a job because that's what I majored in. No more feeling bad because what I want to do doesn't fit with what other people want me to do. It's my life right? No one's got to live it but me...
By now I'm sure you're thinking "Umm....you got all that from spending one day with your nephew?" And the answer is yeah. I mean...maybe you don't understand it but that's ok. Maybe I dont' even understand it. All I know is that today was a day that can only be summed up with the word 'fantastic'.
Anyways, after my rambling, here's pictures and video from my day with Cole...your turn to see through his eyes =)
No commentary this time...just pictures!
Onto the videos...I think they speak for themselves... =)